When I click the Network button, the view exceeds my monitor size. It can't be reduced horizontally though it can be reduced vertically.
In this view, the toolbar buttons widened out much more than on other views.
on the way back...
right after I made the above report, I went back to play with SSS and now the network window is acting normal.
I had switched it to maximize and restore down several times and in the restore down view, it was much wider than my monitor.
I thought why? then I remember editing the Acme config because it was producing an error. I commented the link out and that is what caused the network view to be normal."
I enabled the acme setting again, which caused an error, and viola.. the network view is broken.
Under "Site Availability Problem" is a LONG error line. and that is forcing the view to be extra wide. Word-wrapping is needed for this I think.